Thursday, April 11, 2013

Few and Infrequent

Yep, that is how I can describe my posts. Not exactly the "bang" I wanted to have when starting this blog, but life has other plans.

We are busy, busy, busy. End of the school year means lots of paper work, housekeeping, and activities to attend. I am trying to get kids (my students) on extended school year for their IEP's and get myself on extended school year so I can teach them.

Drew is preparing for the statewide testing coming up in two weeks. He is also finishing up his CDL driving class that has taken him away from us every weekend. This Saturday will be his last class.

Grayson's surgery is in two weeks. I also have scored him an appointment with a speech therapist since our early intervention services don't offer speech therapy. They have one therapist that comes in the morning, one day a week, and only to do evaluations. I asked the service coordinator, "What's the point of doing evaluations if you don't have a full time therapist? And how can you be an early intervention service if you don't offer all the early interventions?" After ruffling her feathers, I decided to seek my own and I found one in the neighboring town that doesn't have a three month wait. Seriously, if you are looking for a speech therapy job, I think South Georgia may be the jackpot you have been looking for. They seem to really be in need of some.

And now the big news....drum roll please...


Yep, watch out Carolina's...I'm coming home. Our house is on the market. Drew has a special education teaching position lined up, signed up, and ready to go already. I am looking, emailing, searching, and posting my resume daily. I forgot what an exhausting event applying for jobs in a new city was like. I have also been packing boxes, planning yard sales, and just purging things to get ready for our move in July.

Why are we moving? Well, we always planned to move closer to our family. Now just seems like the time. Drew and I talked about it and decided on the big move earlier this year. Then, we got on it and now we are moving in two and a half months. Yikes!!!! I better get busy.

So that is the reason my posts might become few and infrequent. I haven't forgot about blogging and posting on our family. The thoughts of uploading pictures, thoughts, and ideas are always in my mind. I just have to put some other things first right now. I got to sort out these big events in our life. So I am limiting my posts to once a week or every other week. I hope to include pics, but I can't promise. Just please don't forget about us! We have some exciting things happening and coming our way. I can't wait to share them with you all.
Ready to Roll!

1 comment:

  1. yaya!! Where in the Carolina's are you moving?? Travelers Rest?
