Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Dirty 30s Ain't That Purty...Yet

I am definitely not that excited about my upcoming birthday tomorrow. My family, friends, and husband keep asking me what I want. "I don't know," has been my reply so far. Usually I would have a list of things for them to buy or do for me. Past birthdays have been about excitement, spring break, and celebration. This year I am just not that into it. I think it's because this year I will officially be in my thirties instead of just thirty. Or maybe it's because my birthday doesn't fall on spring break this year like it has every other year of my life. So happy birthday to me and yadda yadda yadda. I bought myself some shoes, asked Drew to book us a weekend at the beach in May for a birthday/Mother's Day celebration, and I am still thinking what I want from my mom.

I definitely am feeling my age today after my Big Nasty Mud Run that I completed with nine other lovely ladies yesterday. We were basically hiking through a swamp with a couple dozen obstacles built in. Yesterday was a blast even with all the scrapes and bruises and I had a cold on top of it all. I am sure the freezing cold pond, stream, and marsh water we swam in won't help that.

Today I feel my age. Today my back aches, my belt's to tight, and everything shakes from left to right! Seriously, I am pretty achy, but its worth it. Just being active and the good hurt you feel after makes it all worth it. I can't wait to do another one with that crew of ladies again.

As for my birthday, I know I will have more of those. I hope I will have lots and lots more of those. Hopefully this aging thing won't get me down too bad and I can enjoy my years of experience in life. 30's is the new 20's, right?

This is us before we got all muddy.
I am the third from the right and third from the left in the bottom pic.
Great bunch of teachers, co-workers, and friends.

Here is our after shot. I think I am still cleaning dirt from my ears.

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